Siloam Ministry was Founded.
Siloam ministries was born through a great woman of God called Prophetess Jane Kiratu below is how she
received the calling which finally gave birth to a church set–up.
Prophetess Jane Kiratu received her calling at a tender age, when she was in Grade Five. She
saw herself inside parliament calling people for repentance.
So many things were revealed to her which have now come to pass.
Sometimes she would see herself in a well and people would come to draw water which was coming from beneath. They would come up with different sizes of containers which signified the magnitude
of their problems.
This vision came back when she got married in 1995, when she got
a vision from angels who would say
that they had brought a baby boy and given it to her she latter learnt that this meant
that she had been given a ministry.
The Beginning
Prophetess Jane Kiratu's first Ministry was the hospital ministry where, she would visit patients in wards, find out what the patient was suffering from would heal and if she was to rebuke she would
rebuke, she could go to the hospital as instructed pray for the patient and they would be healed.
This is where her ministry began at Coast General
Hospital (Referral Hospital Mombasa – Kenya. People started asking her where she was coming from and she could give
them direction to her house. She continued this way for a period of two years
(i.e 1996 – 1998)
After 1998 she no longer visited hospitals but ailing people started coming to her place for counseling. All this time God had not instructed her to start a church and she would therefore
refer people to Winners Chapel - Mombasa.
One Tuesday service she heard God telling her to start a fellowship
on Tuesdays and that during these fellowships
she should feed His people with His Word.
She started a fellowship with Thirty people where she lived, at
the surrounding they were some idle women who in most cases could spend a lot of time gossiping. God instructed her to start a fellowship with these women and remove them from their bondage and show them
the light that He had shown her.
They started praying from their homes everyday at 12 noon to 3pm
and 6 pm. They started as
few people and more continued to join. God told her that it would expand and
become a big church.
iN the year 2005 she started the church. Before this church forward in 2005 she had another vision
to which she was flying to heaven and big crowd was following her. That team
was praising and their attires were being changed so they moved up. There were
open arms waiting to receive them and she was told this is “Jesus Christ”
she says.
She saw many white flying horses, God told her that He wanted me to
lead people to Heaven in the same way that she saw the crowd. She had been leading
people in prayers and many had been loosed from their captives many lives were lifted and transformed, curses were broken
the barren become fruitful but God wanted her to lead them to heaven by opening a church.
She did not act on this call, its came again and this time she was in a wedding and she was the bride, the
groom waiting for her with a gift at the altar there were many people all dressed in white gown who were singing.
On reaching the altar the groom was not there but he had left the gift with an angel with instruction that
she read what was in there. She opened it and there was Bible and the word prayer
was written on it she told that with the bible and prayers everyone under captivity, affliction or tormented by the devil
would be set free. God said that He had placed a solution to people problems
in her hands.
No Action....
Still she never took any action instead started asking God to confirm that it was actually Him speaking to
her. It was then that God asked her how long will I tell you to stand in the
gap for my people? How long will I tell you to open a church so that these people
can be delivered?
Accompanied by her husband she went to their Senior Pastor where they were fellowshipping explained everything
to him. He laid hands on them and was officially released. The fellowship started in her house (residential) and on the first day attendance were thirty in number.
This number doubled on the second day totaling to ninety. Unfortunately,
the house could not cater for the huge number of people who kept on increasing. A
good neighbour was touched by the effort of her and gave out a piece of land which was built a temporary sanctuary.
God spoke to her and told her the increment in the church was not to
stop there but God being a faithful father will give out a plot and this was soon fulfilled. The church grew rapidly and the
sanctuary was becoming small to cater for the increasing number of members.
At the moment the membership stand at 1500.