How To Get To The Sanctuary
Siloam Sanctuary is located 180 Metres from the
Old Malindi Road, renamed Karisa Maitha Road, Off The New Malindi Road, at the Lights turn-off.
Below find the directions to the Sanctuary:
Using Public Transportation.
From the City Centre, take a Matatu (VAN) headed to Bamburi, Via
Ask the Matatu Crew to drop you off at Bamburi's Hussein Mosque.
The Siloam Access Road is directly opposite the Mosque, and its a 4 minute or so, walk to the Church.
Using Taxi/Private Means.
Those driving from Mtwapa, Shanzu, Kilifi, Malindi etc, turn off
the Malindi highway at the Bamburi Lafarge Cement factory Junction, which is a stone throw away from the Bamburi Police Station.
Drive Right across the factory, for about 6 minutes till you reach
the Bamburi Shopping Centre, where you take a left turn as if you are heading to town via Kisauni.
After about a 100 Metres, turn right into the access road directly
opposite Hussein Mosque. The church will be directly ahead of you.